Why We Need High-Speed Rail (and Commuter Rail)


I love the idea of trains, and not because I'm some train loving dork (although I probably am). Let me blear, I don't want to ban cars - I want to do to cars what cars did to horses (everyone is allowed to own a horse, but most people don't have a need for one... of course, hobbyists are totally allowed to have a horse and participate in horse-related events, etc). Let me just give you a laundry list of things that suck right now:

Now don't get me wrong - cars CAN be convenient. If you NEED to be somewhere at a SPECIFIC time (maybe catching a plane... although trains would highly reduce the frequency of needing a plane), then a car is great. They afford a flexibity. However, they don't need to be necessary. Obviously what I'm proposing is... high-speed rail, commuter rail, and a wonderful bus system. And in those places where this infrastructure wouldn't be as useful (say bumf*ck nowhere), keep your car! As I said, cars/trucks/whatever have their place, and if not every single one of America's 200 million or so adults are driving an automobile, most of the problems automobiles pose are gone.

Why Rail?

In my complaints above, I've kind of covered why rail would be great, but I'll be more direct. Pretty much all of the problems I outline are gone (and if you DO end up commuting by car, if the majority of people are on public transportation... then the traffic problem dissolves :). Now what problems does this directly solve?

The way this would work is (A) a high-speed rail (HSR) would take you long distance (think freeway travel). Connecting to the HSR stations are commuter rail networks, either for cities or multi-county areas, so you could then take the commuter train to whatever neighborhood you want to get to in a town/region. Then there would be (likely this would be more prevalent in cities than more sparse areas, where cars make more sense, but idk) a bus system, which circulates within a neighborhood. This gives infrastructure to get to wherever you need.

Furthermore, as cars would be less necessary, cities could be overhauled to be more pedestrian-and-bike-friendly; there could be rent-a-bike stations or whatever, giving you more "last mile" choices, if the bus isn't quite what you want. Hell, there's probably taxis too.

What's really nice is you have leg room while on the train, you are free to do other things while on the train (like not worry about colliding into other cars at 70 mph), you go faster than in a car, and it doesn't burn the environment like air travel and cars do.